We accept Visa, Mastercard & American Express

Partnership Opportunities

In our effort to be inclusive for all income levels, Partnership Opportunities have been designed within a wide range. However, if you are capable, please consider participating at a higher level. This will allow us to cover our expenses and continue to expand our programs, services and long term goals.
Gold Partnership $450 Monthly $5400 Annually-Includes 4 standard Kiddushim
Double Chai Partnership $300 Monthly $3600 Annually-Includes 3 standard Kiddushim
Silver Partnership $254 Monthly $3048 Annually-Includes 2 standard washing Kiddush
Chai Partnership $150 Monthly $1800 Annually-Includes 1 standard Kiddush
Family Partnership $72 Monthly $864 Annually
Associate Partnership $36 Monthly $432 Annually
Partnership $18 Monthly $216 Annually

Where would you like to see your Partnership? Shul Expenses Chabad Programming
Payment Information
  Please charge my:

I wish to pay 12 Month Installments

You will be charged at the beggining of each month.
Begin payments on:

  Card Number: Name on card
  Exp. Date CVC #

Total Amount to be charged:

Additional comments/information: