Please join us for our Famous Kiddush immediately following the service. The kosher Kiddush is provided on a volunteer basis by members of our congregation who may have a simcha to celebrate, a milestone to mark, or a family member they wish to honor. Often the Kiddush is prepared simply to honor the Sabbath. Our Kiddush affords us a collective opportunity to share the news of the week, relax into the Shabbat tempo, and enjoy the warmth and companionship that emanate from this community.
"The Kiddush" has become a vital part of Chabad of Cutler Bay & Homestead as it does much to create friendships, community and the warm Shul atmosphere in which we take great pride.
You may choose to sponsor a kiddush in honor of an event of your choice. May the merit of sponsoring this beautiful event bring you and yours all the blessings of Nachas, happiness and much success in all your endeavors.
For more information and to sponsor a Kiddush, please contact Chabad at (305) 975- 6680 or Click HERE