Completing the Circle of Jewish Life with Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Love and Soul
Our Story
I recently had a new acquaintance who was visiting our shul for the first time questioning what was different and special about the Chabad experience. Not surprisingly, I inquired if I could first pose a question to him, which did get a knowing “of course Rabbi” smile. “Is there anything missing in your Jewish life” I asked. Silence ensued so I asked again if there was perhaps some emptiness in his life as a Jew. He reflected a bit more and nodded “yes.”
Filling the void is certainly one of the main purposes of Chabad. If you need or want anything Jewish; or something is missing in your Jewish life; or you simply want a place to express your soul, Chabad is waiting for you with open arms and love.
At Chabad you will find a home of wisdom, understanding, enthusiasm, and knowledge for every Jew regardless of background or affiliations.
At Chabad, there is a very special balance between utilization of the mind combined with smiles and hugs because we believe that elevation of the mind helps feed the soul.
There is no charge to come to Chabad. No dues. You don’t have to “join” because you already are a “member” by virtue of being Jewish.
Don’t read Hebrew? Not a problem. There are no judgments or expectations. No labels. You are simply welcome with kindness and joy!
I hope you and your entire family will experience the warmth of Chabad hospitality. It will be a mitzvah and I promise you will feel at ease!
Rabbi Yossi Wolff
Executive Director